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Got any hot leads?

business recharged content leads Mar 02, 2016

One of the most crucial elements of content writing is generating leads. Even if your content is well-written and captivating, there’s still a chance that only a few people will actually read it. Content is king, but if you fail to generate leads, you won’t have any loyal subjects (customers) who are willing to learn about your business and brand. When you create content, you need to make sure that it addresses the needs of your target audience. If your business focused on energy efficiency, your blogs should inform readers about the latest developments in alternative resources. Your content must be pertinent, otherwise visitors won’t even give your content a second glance. Be consistent with your blog to ensure that readers are reading your content on a regular basis. Use effective and descriptive SEO keywords for your blog posts to maximize your website ranking and make it easier for people online to access your content.

If you post content on Twitter, consider using the Tweriod service because it allows you to identify when your followers are most likely to engage with your tweets. Become familiar with your followers patterns and create concise and informative tweets that pique their curiosity. You can also include links to your company’s website, products, services, videos, etc. in each tweet.

Whenever you’re utilizing social media, blogs, or any other means of content, ensure that you are offering your customers and clients with something informative and invaluable. One great way to generate leads is by writing and publishing eBooks. While most people consider eBooks simply as informative or interesting pieces of literature, that can also grow your brand by generating leads. It’s great to include testimonials on your website, but you should also consider compiling them in an eBook. This lets you directly control the content that you want to present to the public. In addition, eBooks are affordable to publish, and they don’t pressure customers and clients into making a purchase. You’re not forcing your brand on customers because you are simply offering them content that they can purchase of their own volition.

Another practical and effective way to generate leads is by creating an e-zine. Customers have to opt-in for a newsletter or e-zine, so this ensures that you have a dedicated and captivated audience. Offer plenty of opportunities for customers and clients to sign up for your e-zine and inform them about the latest business trends as well as your business’ products and services. You can also create an email marketing campaign that covers topics which are important to your customers and clients. Utilize both your e-zine and email marketing campaigns to generate leads and consistently interact with your clientele.


Your Sister in Success,

Philisha Mack


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